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Saturday, May 1, 2010

Chapter One: A Texan In Utah

So, I was born in Texas in 1990. I spent the following 17 years of my life, growing up, in Texas. Sure, I had traveled.

In fact,  I had traveled a lot. I had been to almost every state East of Texas, from Florida to Maine. I had been to Canada. (Oddly enough however, never have been to Mexico...) In total, I have been to 34 states.

I was adventurous by nature, so I was always game for seeing new places and doing new things. And, I always could return home to Texas when I was done.

Here's a picture of me on my Biological Father's Land in Livingston, TX. Me in Wranglers & Justin Boots, with my Mustang horse and Black Lab dog.

But, all of that changed during the summer of my Junior year and Senior year, when my Mother and Step-Father got a divorce.

In the months following, my mother became involved with a friend. A friend who just so happened to live 1163 miles away... in Salt Lake City, Utah.

I refused to move right before my senior year. So, I stayed with family while, first my mom and then my brother, moved across the country.

After graduation, I stayed in Texas for a year and went to school to get my basics.

During this year, I really grew up. (As being practically on your own does.) It was really good for me. I had always been an "old soul", but this was really what I needed.

I experienced my first true love, with a guy who had been one of my very best friends before hand. (which I highly recommend) I experienced cheating, sadly on my part. (Lesson learned!) I experienced heartbreak. I had friendships growing, and also discovered that some ties were better left to dwindle. I saw friends turn into druggies. I saw friends study to preach.

But, alas, at the end of a years time, I discovered that (get ready for the shocker) I missed my mother and (brace yourself) my little brother. I also saw that sadly, at this time, Texas held nothing for me. Not in the "nothing-here-I-care-about" way, but more along the "if I want to better myself, I need to GTFO of here."

So, current (amazing) relationship be damned, I packed my car and had my Mother fly down and together, we drove all the way to Utah.

 Note: Boxes in the back of my car. This was right after I arrived to Utah. Hadn't even fully unpacked my car yet.

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